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With so many tree companies out there offering what appear to be similar services, it’s important to know what to look for when choosing someone to work on your trees.

Anyone with a ute and a chainsaw can call themselves a tree lopper, but would you want them doing dangerous work at your house?

Choosing a company that is not properly qualified, trained and equipped could put your house and property at risk of serious damage, as well as put your tree at risk of being unsafe down the track.

Don’t risk it – do some homework and get the best for the job.

Here’s what you need to look for to ensure you get the best service possible:


Look for companies that employ qualified, Level 5 Arborists who hold recognised certification and are experts in the field. A company can do significant damage if its employees aren’t adequately trained, so check their credentials.


It is absolutely critical that the company you choose is fully insured to carry out work at your property. A tree lopping company must have public liability insurance, Work cover for its employees as well as professional indemnity insurance for you to be fully protected.

Testimonials and referrals

Ask for referrals from customers who have had similar jobs done so that you can feel confident in your decision. Look for testimonials and reviews from customers online to give you peace of mind that you’re choosing a reputable company.

Longevity of the Business

Look for tree lopping businesses that have been operating for a reasonable amount of time. If a business has been around for years, it’s typically a sign that they’re doing something right!

Conversely, if a business has only been operating for a very short time, they may lack the experience necessary, and they won’t have a proven track record of their work.

Choose a full-service company

Be sure to choose a full service, ‘end-to-end’ tree company that will inspect your tree and provide a free quote, carry out the work and then remove the mess and debris once the job’s done.

If you’re having a tree removed, ensure they can do stump grinding so that you’re not left with an eyesore in the backyard.

Free quotes

Quotes should be free – you shouldn’t have to pay to get an estimate on a tree job, so don’t be taken for a ride.

The quote should also be fully inclusive for the whole job, and not have any extra, hidden costs. Never pay for any work until the job has been carried out.

Safety measures

Tree work is dangerous and poses a number of risks to both people and property.

Ask what safety measures are in place when work is carried out . It’s critical they carry out a site evaluation, identify risks and implement measures to ensure safety standards are followed.

Working with children Blue card

If you have children, don’t allow anyone onto your property to carry out work who doesn’t have a current blue card. Don’t be afraid to ask; It’s your family and your property!


Check they have the right equipment for the job.

A company that doesn’t have a stump grinder, for example, won’t be able to remove the stump once the tree has been removed.

Quality, well-maintained vehicles and machinery are a good indication of a professional outfit that will complete your job efficiently and to a high standard.

Professional memberships

Look for companies that are members of industry associations such as the Queensland Arboricultural Association – indicating they are recognised professionals who meet industry standards and are up to date with current knowledge and regulations.

Here at Aussie Tree Solutions, we’re proud to have been a Brisbane-based tree lopping business for over 40 years, offering reliable, expert tree services to hundreds of satisfied customers.

We have a team of qualified, fully insured professionals who you can rely on to get the job done safely and efficiently, at a price you can afford.

Give our friendly team a call and get your free quote today.

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